welcome to the only website on the internet!

if u say..

a(m/f)ab, mra, hsts (the agp users are on thin ice), exclus, mspec, neurospicy, transman, transwoman, any of those psyop baeddel words, FUCK OFF!

if u (are a)...

car seat headrest fan, my bloody valentine fan, tv girl fan, kanye post 2008 fan, rym user, /mu/ user, cisgender people, zionist, non-activist, tankies, transmisogynists and transmisandrists, intersexist, alex g fan, think outdoor cats are ok, stem major, american football fan (band), claim to be a bigger fan of smiling friends than me, anti therian, shota/loli enjoyer, engage in fujo discourse, baeddelist, shedtwt loser, vinyl collector, proshipper, neushipper, FUCK OFF!

note, not all of these are serious. pls use some common sense lol